200+ Love Letters for Ghazal

It’s never easy to be far from the ones you love, especially when life is doling out intense pressure everywhere you turn. This March, you showed up to encourage Ghazal and remind her just how loved she is.

Ghazal works in an intensive care unit as a physiotherapist and was previously in the COVID wards – meaning, due to staff shortages, she was working well beyond what other people in her hospital had to.

Her family lives in another country, so she is unable to turn to them for in-person support, or even just a hug when things are hard. She also supports several friends, often putting their needs before her own.

Ghazal’s friend, Rebecca, said, “Ghazal could do with knowing how much she means to so many people, how many lives she touches and makes better, purely by being around. Everyone says that she is a ray of light, always bubbly, and I don't want that light to dim under the pressure she is feeling.”

She needed a burst of joy and positivity amidst the hard moments of life, and your words were just that.

“I cannot thank everybody enough for all the kind words and love sent in the letters for Ghazal,” wrote Rebecca. “We both so overcome by how many people reached out and how inspiring and energizing it was to read them all. Ghazal received over 200 letters- I'm afraid I don't have an exact number, as some are still coming through! Thank you so much to everybody that wrote, it is so appreciated.”


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