Chelsea's Bundle Update

Chelsea Love Letter Bundle

In February, we got to hear Chelsea’s story. Chelsea has been facing a series of challenging, wonderful circumstances. Her friend shared part of her story with us:

“My best friend Chelsea had her first baby in February of 2020. Her baby, Grace, was born just two weeks before we went into our first lockdown. Ever since then, Chelsea has been at home taking care of Grace, every single day. Although Chelsea receives support from her parents and her husband, she has been taking care of Grace largely alone. She has not been able to do the normal activities a new mom and baby might take part in: no mommy & me classes, no moms & tots swimming lessons, no perusing the grocery store or the mall with a baby in a stroller. Those activities make up a huge part of a new mom's social life but Chelsea and Grace have not had the chance to do any of them. This has left Chelsea feeling so isolated and lonely.

Since I live a thousand miles away in another province, I cannot visit her either. But I am so proud of this woman for being an amazing mother and for providing Grace with as much fun, love, and stimulus as she can. I'm hoping we could all send Chelsea love and appreciation as this first year of being a new mom comes to a close.”

Thanks for surrounding Chelsea with love, support, and community through your letters! 

“I have been consistently receiving love letters for the last few weeks and I am humbled by everyone’s generosity and beautiful words. I have included a picture from the day on which I received 49 love letters. I was so excited that I cried! ”

— -Emalie, Bundle Facilitator

We kept receiving letters all throughout the month of March (most of them international) and have finally bundled them all up and shipped them off! We received a total of 433 beautiful letters - some with poems, some with birthday cards for Grace, and some with a whole slew of mom jokes. I am certain that Chelsea will adore these letters and that they will give her a feeling of hope and appreciation. The package should be arriving this week and I cannot wait for her to open it. So far, this experience has been wonderful in the truest sense of the word.

Thank you for everything.



The Power of Noticing


My “Dailies” Setup: Diary Pages for Gentle Self-Encouragement