200+ Love Letters for Neeraj (+ 500 Paper Cranes!)

This October, you helped Neeraj rediscover his song.

“Neeraj is an incredible and uplifting husband to me,” wrote his wife, Preeti. “We have been married for five years, but those years have not been the easiest for either of us. Earlier in our marriage, I had lost my father and my family experienced a house fire that took away the majority of what we owned. Through this, Neeraj helped me find my footing by putting a hold on his passion for music and focusing on working to bring stability to our family and assisting me with my mental health.

In addition, throughout his life, Neeraj never felt comfortable being his own person, while always feeling like he needed to meet others' expectations to be accepted. I found out later in the marriage how much he felt afraid to be his own person and how much he had done within our own relationship, and other relationships to be accepted.

While I am continuing to encourage him and show my appreciation for all of the sacrifices he has made to create stability for our marriage and in his life, I want him to know just how incredibly important his music means not only to me but to the rest of the world, and how important it is for him to be comfortable in his own skin. I believe hearing it from more people will give him the confidence and love he needs to step into his own as a musician and an individual. 

Neeraj is an extremely caring, loving, talented, intelligent, and generous husband, son, brother, friend, uncle, and human being. He is so passionate about music, and I do not want him to feel guilty about pursuing his dreams and journey in life just because we went through some major life changes. I want him to know how important it is to realize his own potential and I know it would mean the world if he received love letters from you.”

MLL fam, you. showed. up.

Neeraj was showered with love, and received over 200 letters, along with artwork, bookmarks, and over 500 paper cranes!

You reminded him just how much he matters - and how much his dreams still matter, too.


Preeti wrote us after surprising Neeraj with his bundle, saying, “Thank you so much to all of those who were involved with More Love Letters. Thank you deeply from our hearts for selecting Neeraj for this opportunity to receive in abundance. We were so overwhelmed with the letters that came in for Neeraj, expressing immense support, love, wisdom and generosity…He felt incredibly overwhelmed with tears of joy and gratitude that so many humans would find the time, energy and intention to uplift another with dignity and grace.”

Neeraj also wrote to share his gratitude. “I am deeply moved by the outpouring of love and support you all have shared in response to my loving wife Preeti’s request. You all reminded me that I have been blessed in so many ways by my wife and family, and all of those in my life that have supported my musical aspirations since I was a child.  You all reminded me that I have a duty and fortune to share and teach music, and that it is not selfish of me to want to continue to do so with heart, soul, and gratitude. There were times in my recent past in which I felt unworthy of living, let alone living fully and authentically. Reading your letters, which included such vulnerability, gave me strength, and reminded me that I am not alone in the struggles of life, and that it gets better.  Today I feel blessed, grateful, energized and truly lucky for my life. Thank you.” 

Your words matter, friends. They can bring about the most beautiful music.


Read Me if You Know You're Called, but You're Scared to Start


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