Talisa's Bundle Update

Talisa’s story has not been one of smooth sailing, especially concerning this past year. Her mother shared a little bit of the story with us:

“Talisa is one of the greatest joys in my life. She was my rock when I was a single mother for a while, being patient and kind when we were struggling. When I remarried, Talisa faced all the challenges of being a military child that most military children face–moving away from friends and family every few years, living in other countries, and not having those roots one would ordinarily have growing up in one place.

Talisa graduated from nursing school with honors, passed the nursing boards, and responded as a COVID-19 crisis traveling nurse in the Neuro-ICU, the intensive care unit devoted to the care of patients with immediately life-threatening neurological problems. She is now in a transitional part of her life, experiencing life changes in an uncertain world. But Talisa is such a sensitive soul, and I fear she feels these changes deeply. It would be a blessing for her to receive letters of encouragement and inspiration from others, as she is feeling very alone at the moment. Any kind words would definitely lift her gentle spirit.”

Talisa received so much hope and encouragement from the letters everyone sent!


Living Life Offline


A Guide to Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone