400+ Love Letters for Dan!

Earlier this year, we wrote love letters to Dan-- a selfless teacher who was going through some dark times. Dan's loved one wrote to us in her nomination, "I've been searching for ways to show him how very much he means to me, and to all of the kids whose lives he touches. Please, help me do just that. If ever a man there was who deserved 300 letters filled with love on one day, it would be him, hands down."

Well, Kate, our community heard you and rallied to send 400+ letters to Dan.

"Dan continues to receive letters every day. I am awed by how many people out there shared their own stories, as well as their words of love and encouragement. Dan has received over 400 letters from across the globe - spanning from here to Indonesia, Singapore, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, The Philippines, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, and our close friend to the north here in Michigan, Canada. The letters came from almost all fifty states. People wrote as a part of a club or society at their school, people wrote who had never written before, and people who have become lifelong members of that beautiful diverse group of kind hearted souls who wait with bated breath each month for the next chance to make a difference in someone's life. Each letter was a unique gift of love. Some people sent their own personal artwork, others shared pieces they found inspiring during trying times. The greatest and most resounding theme was one of overwhelming love and support for teachers, or sometimes a specific teacher who Dan's story brought to mind. During these trying times, as educators who do sometimes struggle with staying motivated, those messages are some of the most inspiring and impactful. To both Dan, and to me. Throughout the month, I sent snapshots of portions of letters to Dan, typically when he was feeling overwhelmed by work. Those small snippets got him through some very trying times. I know the full letters are going to be life-changing.

“The letters came from almost all fifty states. People wrote as a part of a club or society at their school, people wrote who had never written before, and people who have become lifelong members of that beautiful diverse group of kind hearted souls who wait with bated breath each month for the next chance to make a difference in someone’s life.”

I think what you do at More Love Letters is to help facilitate small miracles in other people's lives. I cannot think of a more important profession. Thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do.

All my best,



Bald at 26 and building a new kind of normal.


The life-changing magic of putting down the phone.