Love Letters for Skylar

Skylar has faced some serious circumstances in life. Her friend shared this with us:

“Skylar is your greatest cheerleader and advocate, even if she hardly knows you. She is loyal, sensitive, and hilarious.

Skylar ended up in a toxic relationship during college and shortly after found herself pregnant. We are several years removed from college and Skylar finds herself in a lonely season, raising her precious 3-year-old daughter by herself in less than ideal circumstances while trying to also heal from the trauma she has experienced. Skylar has not been dealt an 'easy hand' from the start and has endured a lot of difficult circumstances that leave her feeling discouraged, lonely, and isolated.”

We can’t thank you enough for surrounding Skylar with so much love and support through your letters! 

“She is going to be overwhelmed in the best way possible when she receives these! Thank you so much for doing this and selecting Skylar in particular. This is going to mean the world to her. ”

— -Chelsea, Bundle Facilitator

“If you’re close to me, you know the past several years have to say the least, but I’ve been blessed with supportive family and the best friends a girl could ever have. Chelsea is one of them. I’m still in shock that Chels nominated me, and the nomination alone means so much to me.

I had never heard of More Love Letters before this, but I know I’ll never be able to forget it now. So thankful for the hundreds of people who chose to love on someone they only read a brief summary about - a total stranger. This kindness is unmatched. I wish I could hug all of you who wrote me!



Seasons of Change


An empath's guide to navigating social media.